Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad

Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad

Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad

Peaches. There’s something so satisfying about biting into the sweet, juicy flesh that quenches the thirst for a cool and refreshing treat in the summertime.



Even the perfectly round shape, bright peachy red and fuzzy exterior gives it a heavenly appeal.

Peach Still Life

Peach Still Life

Almost too pretty to eat.

Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad

Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad

This recipe pairs white peaches with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella in a tangy sweet vinaigrette. It’s refreshing and light and the salty prosciutto paired with the cool, mild mozzarella and sweet peaches is a combination to die for. You can also substitute the mozzarella with Ricotta Salata (fresh ricotta) or Feta Cheese, and add some sliced or slivered almonds for crunch if you like. Serve this salad with some crusty bread and a glass of white wine – perfect for a lunch or dinner side salad with an Italian dish.

Peach, Prosciutto and Mozzarella Salad


1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 head leafy green lettuce
2 large white peaches, sliced into wedges
½ red onion, sliced paper thin
3-4 slices prosciutto, sliced thin and torn into pieces
3 oz fresh mozzarella cheese, shredded into pieces


Combine lemon juice, honey, vinegar, salt and pepper, stirring with a whisk. Gradually drizzle in olive oil, stirring constantly, until vinaigrette is mixed thoroughly and doesn’t separate.


Combine lettuce and peach wedges in a large bowl, drizzle with dressing and toss to coat.

Arrange salad on serving dish or in individual bowls and top with prosciutto, red onion and mozzarella cheese. Top with freshly cracked black pepper.

Serve with crusty bread and a glass of white wine (Reisling or Chardonnay pairs well).

Serves 4.

Lovely Peaches

Lovely Peaches

Other Peach Recipes you may enjoy:

Grilled Chicken and Peach Salad

Oprah’s Summer Peach Salad

Paula Deen’s Grilled Peach Salad

Roasted Beet, Peach and Goat Cheese Salad

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. East Village Eats
    Aug 17, 2011 @ 15:55:02

    Have you ever tried grilling peaches? it really intensifies the flavor. I’ll try this recipe – Great photos by the way Kristen!


    • Artful Gourmet
      Oct 01, 2011 @ 11:26:46

      Hey Jason,
      Yes I have grilled peaches – we did this at a fun BBQ this summer and topped them off with a citrus balsamic and french vanilla ice cream. AMAZING! Hope all is well with East Village Eats and your food writing pursuits!


  2. Artful Gourmet
    Aug 18, 2011 @ 23:26:06

    Thanks Jason! Yes I LOVE grilled peaches. They are really great with just some drizzled balsamic vinegar over them or straight grilled. So good!


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